We became aware of COVID-19 & Social Distancing at the end of 2019 and as we’re well into 2022 it’s still something we’re aware of and is still causing effect. When the pandemic hit it’s peak, and lock downs were being enforced, it was hard to see when the end was in sight, but levels of normality have returned.
Office spaces were changed, shopping wasn’t the same and being close to others was stopped. Social distancing and screening became a large part of everything we did and was an addition to most spaces that has now become familiar.
The addition of screening, mainly acrylic and laminate dividers, changed the look of the office and put the need for acoustic office screens to the bottom of the pile. The reason acrylic and laminate finishes are suitable is due to the easy clean finishes and the fact they can easily be disinfected.
At one stage, social distancing wasn’t a choice so the need for screening made sense. Creating a divide between desk spaces, making sure safety precautions were in place and well being was at the top of the list.
But now the restrictions have been relaxed, do we think it’s time to take the social distancing screens away?
The screening solutions did the job they were there to do, but even without social distancing rules, we believe there is a place for the acrylic and laminate screens. Being 2m apart isn’t a factor now, so the screening helps to provide protection for those who need it and reminds us that we’re not back to how we were in 2019.
Shops and the retail sectors are still largely using the barriers between cashier and customer, it shows that some ways of working are here to stay.

Working in an office can limit the space you have available, but with the addition of desktop dividers it makes it easier to decipher which work space is yours. From the clear acrylic point of view you receive the best of both worlds – division and visibility. Securing desks doesn’t need to bring darkness to the space, clear acrylic lets natural light shine through, keeping the office space light, airy and positive.
From an acoustic and noise reduction point of view the social distancing screening isn’t the best option, but for hygiene, you couldn’t find anything more effective. The hard surfaces are ideal to wipe clean but can also withstand stronger cleaning products. If social distancing taught us anything it’s that screening can be clear, modern and incredibly effective.
All in all, we think social distancing screens have a place with or without COVID-19 from a practical, visual and effectiveness point of view.