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2016 Blogs

How Portable Room Dividers Can Adapt to Enhance Training Courses

Training courses are increasing in their ingenuity as designers and teachers look for more immersive ways to help students to learn. Whether the learner is young or old, the traditional lecture method has never had much success in helping people to develop. Many of us in work will rebuke the phrase “it’s always easier to learn on the job”, which is why training spaces are increasingly being designed to attempt to imitate more realistic environments. Whether this is by introducing more practical activities or transforming the environment altogether, there is a great deal of flexibility on offer to find a solution which is perfectly tailored for the subject.

Here at Rap Industries, we are increasingly working with organisations to develop training spaces using portable room dividers, which enable them to create separate areas for courses in a matter of minutes. These can be tailored and customised to adapt not only to the environment, but to the subject itself. Portable room dividers are very efficient in the sense that they can be deployed quickly and easily as well as being packed away neatly, enabling them to be stored for future use. This means that training sessions can be set up when required, while the space can then be utilised for other operations whilst training is not taking place.


As manufacturers of portable room dividers, Rap Industries have extensive experience designing and producing dedicated training spaces for companies from a wide variety of industries. In the past, clients have often opted to use printed dividers, where they can take advantage of graphic design to re-create environments which otherwise would not be accessible. For example, this includes emergency services and educational establishments where designs can be created which immerse the student in the environment.

Furthermore, they can also be customised with high pressure laminates as well as a fabric finish, so there are a variety of options available when creating separate training spaces. Each can be personalised with different colours as well as different accessories to make the space as effective as possible. Portable room dividers are available in a variety of shapes and sizes, so there are a number of ways to make the most from the space which you have available.


One key feature of the dividers is that they are portable, which becomes incredibly useful if the training is not scheduled to run all year round. Rather than having to create permanent training facilities, these dividers can be deployed in existing large spaces like halls, gymnasiums and more. It is possible to create a huge range of different spaces such as a simple wall right the way through to creating a new room entirely, depending on which works best for the subject. By combining multiple kits together, it is possible to create large or small training spaces when required, allowing them to adapt to whichever subject is being taught.


The original purpose of portable room dividers is to create separate spaces, whether for classrooms, exams or offices, which means they are designed to reduce the number of distractions and help to create private conditions for those inside. This quality is easily adaptable for training spaces by blocking out both visual and audible distractions and therefore creating a far more effective learning environment.

For further information on how we can design and manufacture portable room dividers to adapt to your subject, please feel free to get in touch with us by calling 01733 394941 or by sending an e-mail to sales@rapind.com and one of our experienced advisors will be able to explain further.

Flexi Screens Generic Advert - Fabric

2016 Blogs

Creating Immersive Learning Environments in the Classroom…

Encouraging children to learn is very often a fruitless task. Especially from an early age, the challenge is to create activities which actively engage them and appear a more interesting and exciting prospect than playing with mobile devices. The prospect of creating education-based video games is very much in its infancy and frankly the financial outlay simply is not worth the cost for many educational establishments. In which case, lesson plans need to be modified in order to adapt to children who have a very different upbringing than our own. This means looking at the environments themselves as well as the activities which take place within them in order to create a more engaging experience for children.

Students and teachers alike are beginning to agree on the fact that lecture-like lessons are simply not as effective as we once considered them to be. Studies over the past few decades have explored how students concentrate in class and why the emphasis is now on approaching teaching in a different manner. The current method is obviously beneficial to some yet it leaves the rest feeling alienated and ultimately disinterested.


Even for adults, trying to learn passively just is not the same as getting experience on the job. This applies even more for children, especially when they are unable to relate to a realistic scenario. This kind of teaching encourages the now well-worn phrase of; “when am I ever going to use this again?” The aim is to create environments and activities which provide context for what is being taught and engaging them in a way where they can see the value in what they are learning. The most crucial aspect in achieving this is being able to create a connection between the learner and the subject.

Creating a Comfortable Environment:

While making the surroundings as realistic as possible is important to making the subject engaging, it is important to prioritise an environment which is comfortable for students to learn in and feel safe in the knowledge that failing is simply a learning curve. One of the major issues that you can find in classrooms is a raft of distractions and once concentration is broken for the learner, it can be difficult to regain. To help dampen the number of distractions and boost the levels of learning, here at Rap Industries, we manufacture portable room dividers in a range of different materials which can be tailored to suit the subject as well as the surrounding environment itself.

Imitate Popular Entertainment to Find Success:

Considering the type of entertainment that children enjoy currently, it has perhaps never been easier to imitate it and apply it to a learning environment. From the widespread popularity of YouTube videos through to video games, a trend has emerged and it is from this that we can establish quite why they are able to engage students for so long. While the immersive experience is the first hurdle to getting children interested, it is the introduction of reward systems which keep them attached and give them motivation to continue playing. This same model can be applied to a learning environment without it obviously being a dumbed-down version of the entertainment they enjoy outside of the classroom.

First Steps to Achieving This:

An overhaul of how lessons are structured is likely to take time, especially as each subject is unique and finding an effective combination will take some testing. However, a great place to start is by creating surroundings which transport learners away from what they are used to. A great way that we’ve seen this begin to happen is by creating portable room dividers with bespoke graphic design to quite literally imitate real life environments. These not only block out visual distractions, but they create the impression that the children are no longer in the classroom but are in a more immersive learning environment.

If you are interested in finding out more about the what portable room dividers are capable of, then you can give us a call on 01733 394941 or send an e-mail over to sales@rapind.com and our advisors can explore the options with you.


2016 Blogs

How Portable Room Dividers Can Create Unique & Diverse Training Spaces

Training areas can be notoriously difficult to get right. Even at a young age, many despise the prospect of being sat in a rigid classroom and being delivered a lecture on a wealth of information you scarcely understand. This resent tends to only grow as we get older, which is why we are now having to think more outside of the box when it comes to training programmes. This has meant an increase in practical exercises, interactive technology and more, all designed to engage and interest the trainee. However, surrounding that, even the environment which the training takes place in can have an effect and this is why portable room dividers are increasingly being used to create intuitive training courses.

They fit this role perfectly by being adaptable as well as versatile, meaning it is possible to create training rooms of various shapes, sizes and even materials in order to adapt to the course itself. It also means that you never need a dedicated room for training, which hopefully means the end of rows of desks and the beginning of environments which genuinely help trainees to learn.


In every sense of the word, Portable Room Dividers can be moved or locked in place in a wide range of layouts. Whether you wish to use one as a backdrop, a divider to create privacy in large open spaces or as a completely temporary room, they can be designed to suit your environment. Having the option to set up a training space in a matter of minutes not only saves a significant amount of money because there is no need to build a dedicated room, but they also feature many of the tools required for the training course.

There is a variety of different styles on the market, but each panel features wheels at the bottom, meaning they can be rolled out in a matter of minutes when required and then packed away very easily. This is incredibly effective in open spaces such as gymnasiums or open offices, where you can quickly transform open areas into dedicated training spaces. To finish it off, they also feature stabilising feet, so the divider is safe and secure once you are set up.


While investigating portable room dividers, be sure to keep an eye out for manufacturers who can tailor your design to make them a perfect fit with your environment as well as the training course. This means a variety of different shapes and sizes to ensure the Portable Room Dividers are effective as possible once in place, but it also means you can pick out the materials which work for the approach you are taking. Here at Rap Industries, we offer the choice of a Velcro friendly loop nylon fabric, as well as a high gloss laminate which operates as a whiteboard or even applying high quality graphic design to really make the Portable Room Dividers stand out.


The ability to include bespoke graphic design opens up a wealth of creative opportunities to make truly immersive training experiences. For example, they can be designed to replicate certain environments and situations, such as for the emergency services where it can be costly as well as time-consuming to use a real version. By creating such an environment, you are able to provide a stimulating environment for trainees which in fact helps with their learning and development.

Overall Portable Room Dividers can provide you with far greater freedom than dedicated spaces. The ability to completely customise them opens up the opportunity to be creative and enhance the training course itself by making it more interactive for trainees. If you would like further information on the options available with Portable Room Dividers, then you can give us a call on 01733 394941 or send an e-mail to sales@rapind.com and our advisors would be happy to help.


2016 Blogs

Our Top Tips for Creating Dynamic Training Spaces

Training courses are often regarded as being bland and a throwback to the trainee’s school days. Nowadays, courses are increasingly being developed to be more engaging and realistic to keep them interested in order to help learning and development. This means the end of rigid classrooms and a growth in the number of dynamic environments which encourage trainees to participate and learn while completing more practical activities. This is fantastic in theory, however being able to budget for dedicated training areas is not viable for small businesses or many industries.

Instead, there is the option of creating dynamic training spaces, ones which can be employed whilst training is taking place and then stored and preserved until they are required again. The added benefit of this is that you are able to create unique learning environments that replicate the situations which are being taught. Furthermore, they also utilise open areas, meaning dedicated training space is not required and a significant portion of the organisation’s budget can be retained.


Permanent training areas can be very expensive, especially when it comes down to including furniture and equipment inside. However, in order to make an effective space that makes the most from your budget, opting for a portable solution can provide the best of both worlds. Firstly, the cost is drastically reduced and while trainees may not have an identical experience, the environment is still effective for stimulating and encouraging learning. A clever way of achieving this is by using portable room dividers which can be completely customised in order to adapt to the content which is being taught.

This means that display boards, white boards or even bespoke graphic design can be integrated into the environment without the need for permanent surroundings. This allows you to make the most of the space you have available, as the training space can be rolled out as and when you need it and then neatly packed away once the course is complete.


Dynamic training spaces should incorporate all the benefits of training rooms and more. The very definition of the word means they are constantly changing. In particular, if you are planning to host a variety of different training courses, then making sure your space is adaptable will extend its usefulness. As outlined above, incorporating different elements such as display boards and white boards opens up the scope for different activities and exercises in order to engage with.

Immersive Experience:

Training courses can take on many different forms, but the best ones are those which involve the trainee in the surroundings and create a stimulating experience in which they are interested to learn. Depending on the industry and the course, there are many different approaches to this, but it is important to tailor your space to compliment the course itself. Through working with clients, we have found some fantastic ways that they have effectively used portable room dividers to create immersive environments, designed to transport the trainee into the surroundings without having to use a “live” set.

By creating dynamic training spaces which combine these factors, it is possible to develop an environment which is not only great at allowing you to gain the most from your budget, but to also create an experience which is tailored to helping trainees to learn. If you are interested in creating a space such as this and would like further advice on the options available, then please feel free to get in touch by calling 01733 394941 or send an e-mail to sales@rapind.com and a member of our team would be more than happy to help.

Flexi Room Fire Safety

2016 Blogs

Why Has Anti-Microbial Technology Become So Popular?

The slogan; “kills 99.9% of bacteria” has been thrown around for quite a few years now, often with the response being, “but what about the 0.1%”? Traditionally these have been integrated with ad campaigns for soaps and cleaning products, but you can now start to see them seeping into furniture and far more permanent products. We’ve previously explored how anti-microbial technology is being used to make cleaner and healthier environments, but this doesn’t explain why companies are looking to integrate it more and more. Who knows, they’re even trying to add it to water to create clean water supplies, but let’s be a bit realistic…

Creating Healthy Environments:

For all the extravagant phrasing, there is an element of truth behind these fluffy sentences. The technology behind anti-microbial surfaces has been proven to reduce the spread of bacteria. Killing it is certainly a bit extreme, however the silver ions which are added to the protective coating discourage bacteria from growing and spreading. In simple terms, the silver interrupts the chemical reactions required for bacteria to survive, and by damaging this, the surface no longer provides the basis for the bacteria to survive.

While this does not mean it is time to abandon basic personal hygiene, it does mean that illness and disease is deterred from spreading, therefore safeguarding busy environments against what can become ideal conditions for aggressive bacteria. This is particularly the case in hospitals where different bacteria can be carried in from multiple patients, and subsequently spreading them is far more common. Even if you consider your office to be fairly safe, it’s fairly common in most businesses that batches of staff will be affected by the winter flu or the common cold, and anti-microbial technology is a crucial component in preventing that from spreading.

Integrated Design:

By integrating silver ions into powder coating, anti-microbial technology can now be applied to a wide range of products. From notice boards to partition screens, you can find the technology being applied to a host of products which you can commonly find in the workplace. What makes this ideal is that the technology does not have to look out of place and it can be added to pre-existing designs in order to retain the existing aesthetic of the environment.

Furthermore, with a growing selection on offer, if it is your goal to produce a healthier and more productive environment, then there is the option to work with a manufacturer to design and develop the products to adapt seamlessly with your environment. This allows you to pick sizes, colours and more so you can create the ideal healthy spaces.

Fear Factor:

Certainly, one of the factors which has boosted the popularity of anti-bacterial technology has been the emergence of media reports citing ‘anti-biotic resistant bacteria’, and this presents the challenge that our environments need to continue to develop in order to be successful. While design has noticeably changed over the past decade, this has meant a growth in smart devices designed to create healthier work spaces. However, it is only now that the fear factor is growing and with it, anti-microbial technology is really gaining traction.

While there is some basis to the reports, it is interesting to note that the silver ions are increasingly being researched due to their innate ability of being able to prevent the spread of bacteria. If bacteria truly are becoming more resistant to traditional soaps and cleaning products, then introducing anti-microbial technology will at least be able to help prevent the spread at the source.

For information on our Safeguard Medical Screens which incorporate the anti-microbial technology and how they can benefit your environment, please call 01733 394941 or send an e-mail to sales@rapind.com.

Safe Guard Medical Screens

2016 Blogs

Why Anti-Bacterial Screens Have Become An Important Addition in Medical Environments…

You’ve probably seen the warning signs in the media, speculating on antibiotic resistant bacteria that will leave humans exposed. In which case, it can be easy to get carried away with the headlines while ignoring the facts. While, it is true, in the sense that bacteria are adapting to the drugs that we use, but it is also true that we are adapting to the way that bacteria develop. In fact, there is a material which has been around for thousands of years which is more effective at fighting off the miniscule microbes. We’ve explored how Anti-Bacterial Material Prevent the Spread of Bacteria and Diseases? Silver is a key component in products boasting “kills 99.9% of bacteria”, and now it is possible to integrate this into furniture and more to stop bacteria before it even has a chance to spread.

How Are They Composed?

Safeguard Medical Screens are designed to integrate and improve upon traditional screens that you can expect to see in hospitals and clinics. While initially planned to provide privacy, medical screens have seen significant improvement over the years to further enhance the environments that surround them. Now, they are composed of a lightweight core, which first and foremost makes them easy to use, so it is simple to make the most of the space available and adjust areas if required.

Within the panel, silver ions are integrated into the lining as well as coated across the panel, and as we explored before, this helps to weaken the bacteria, making it vulnerable to cleaning products and more. The anti-bacterial fabric is available in a range of vibrant colours, which aids in brightening up medical environments and veering away from the whitewashed approach.

Which Medical Environments Are They Best Suited to:

Hospitals are the obvious beneficiaries of what Safeguard Medical Screens have to offer. A major advantage is that they can be tailor made to adapt to the environment, in short, if they are required for privacy, then the size can be adjusted. If you plan to use them in waiting rooms then the width can be changed. The addition of the anti-bacterial technology can assist in reducing the spread of illness and infection and help to keep those visiting hospitals healthy from other afflictions.

This kind of benefit can be easily transferred to clinics and other small locations which operate under the same circumstances. In these environments in particular, making the most of the space available can be very valuable. So, with medical screens which are easy to move, your space can be used to full effectiveness and utilised for multiple purposes. As a result, you can preserve a significant chunk of your budget, simply by installing temporary screens rather than having a permanent wall built.

How Can They Help You?

Safeguard Medical Screens are not restricted to just medical environments however. Illness is a common factor in reducing productivity and introducing anti-bacterial screens in order to reduce this can only help to boost the health and wellbeing of staff. While there has been plenty said regarding the mental wellbeing of employees, it is equally important to strive to have a healthy workforce who are in the right state both physically and mentally to perform to the best of their ability.

This is particularly prevalent in medical environments where it is imperative to reduce the spread of bacteria, especially when visitors are those who can be most susceptible and at risk of even the common cold. It is true that anti-bacterial materials are not the ultimate answer to this, but when combined with other preventative measures, they can go a long way to reducing the spread of illness and infections.

If you would like to find out more about the Safeguard Medical Screens and how they can integrate into your environment, then please call us on 01733 394941 or send an e-mail to sales@rapind.com.

Safe Guard Medical Screen

2016 Blogs

How Can Anti-Bacterial Material Prevent the Spread of Bacteria and Diseases?

Considering how miniscule and uncontrollable bacteria is, it’s quite remarkable that there is a material which can wipe it out almost entirely. While it feels like we’ve only recently started seeing the phrase anti-bacterial being sprayed around recently, even ancient civilisations had found out about the amazing properties of silver. The Phoenicians (around where is now modern day Lebanon and Syria) used to store water, wine and vinegar in silver containers which killed bacteria and helped to preserve the contents. This quite incredible ability has seen silver being widely used in medical instruments to prevent infection and even encourage natural cell growth.

How Does It Work?

Even Hippocrates, one of the most outstanding figures in the history of medicine, had used silver to treat ulcers and wounds, but for thousands of years, we have been unable to uncover quite how the metal compound does it. While interest in it has waned with the advent of anti-biotics, the obsession over silver is growing once again due to the threat of antibiotic resistance of bacterial cells.

Without getting too technical, silver works by interrupting iron and sulphur cells within the bacteria, which as a result leads to severe damage to the cell and leaves them more susceptible to conventional anti-biotics. By integrating silver into dissolved ions, this means this can be applied to many surfaces to weaken bacteria, and then another layer is added which is capable of killing off the cells.

The possibilities of this were discovered if inadvertently thousands of years ago and have saved the lives of many, especially during World War 1, where bandages included silver which helped to protect wounds and to encourage the growth of new cells. Not only did this safeguard against infection, but it also helped wounds to heal quickly and more effectively.

Where Else Can It Be Used?

This property makes silver an outstanding compound to be used with various pieces of medical equipment including; surgical tools, furniture and even door handles in order to prevent the spread of diseases in highly volatile environments. Especially with the growth of so called ‘superbugs’ such as MRSA, the potential for a metal to weaken its defences poses a promising solution to stop an outbreak.

However, it is not just hospitals and medical environments where anti-bacterial silver can be highly beneficial. Its ability to fight off infection and diseases makes it a unique but practical solution in schools or in workplaces where the spread of disease can be high. At Rap Industries, the Safeguard Medical Screen incorporates this technology to create a surface which kills 99.9% of bacteria and helps to divide as well as protect busy working environments from debilitating illnesses.

Elsewhere, you can start to find glass which is beginning to incorporate silver, meanwhile food packaging increasingly has it included so that the contents can remain fresher for longer. There has even been the suggestion that silver could be added to water in order to purify it. What makes silver so beneficial in this space is that, unlike other metals which can kill bacteria, silver is non-toxic to humans.

What Does the Future Hold?

The potential for an anti-bacterial compound provides the opportunity for substantial research into how it can be effectively utilised. From purifying water to fighting off increasingly anti-biotic resistant bacteria, the potential of minimising it down to the size of ions could make it incredibly effective in a variety of environments. Integrating it into workplaces and schools increases protection against illness and as a result, can boost productivity and learning.

For more information on the Safeguard Medical Screens and how effective they could be in your environment, then please give us a call on 01733 394941 or send an e-mail to sales@rapind.com and our advisors would be more than happy to help.

Safe Guard Medical Screens

2016 Blogs

How to Perfect the Design of Your Wedding Fair Stand?

Once you’ve booked your stand at a wedding fair, it is not simple enough just to arrive with a pop up table and a few examples of the work you have done in the past. Wedding exhibitions are hyper competitive environments where vendors from a range of industries attempt to coax couples that they are the right person to be working at their wedding. For some of these, they will spend months considering the design of their stand in order to make the right impression on the day. The obvious benefit to this is that hundreds or even thousands of prospective clients will be walking past their shopfront, and this is perhaps the one opportunity they will have to appeal to a wider market.

The design of an exhibition stand is an extension of the brand and the passion that goes into making it. When a couple is walking around the exhibition hall, your exhibition stand should demonstrate what makes you unique and make them think, ‘this is the person I want to work on my wedding’. Sitting behind a table all day is guaranteed to be a flop, so consider creating a display which is inviting, which encourages couples to look around and really get a feel for what it is that you provide. Incorporate high quality banners to illustrate your product, embellish a backdrop to truly wow them when they walk past and most of all, approach each interested couple with a smile.

These are factors which need to be considered well before hand, ensuring that you pick out the best photographs to use and are making the most of the space you have available. Just because this may be your one exhibition of the year does not mean you have to overload your stand, be careful of clutter and only take what is necessary to convey your products and services. There simply is no way to appeal to everyone walking past your stand. Rejection will probably be fairly frequent, so learn to identify it as you go, then you can cut down on wasting time speaking with couples who are simply not interested in what you have to offer.

Above all, endeavour to avoid simply copying someone else. There could well be hundreds of vendors offering something similar to you, so by creating a stand which is similar to theirs is hardly going to distinguish you from the competition. This is why exhibition stand design is so important and why it can take time to get it right. It’s about developing an idea which shows why you are unique; perhaps you have a niche for working on themed weddings or have a certain style which you are passionate about? These are perhaps your greatest strengths as they highlight what you love doing, and being able to show that when engaging with a potential client is what will convince them that you are the right person to work on their wedding.

In terms of what to include with the exhibition stand, it is widely recommended not to take samples just to simply give away. They can help to draw people in to your stand, however there is no guarantee they will be interested or even care of the service you provide. Samples are great to have on show, but use them when in conversation with people and to support what you are saying. Another point to consider is that it is very rare that couples will book there and then. So be sure to have promotional material on hand for interested parties to take away with them, just don’t shove it into the hand of everyone that walks by!

At Rap Industries we manufacture tailored designs for exhibitors including high quality roller banners which are a fantastic way of grabbing the attention of interested couples. These can feature your own custom design and can even be integrated with the rest of your exhibition stand. If this is something that you are interested in exploring, or you would like to learn more about the services we provide for exhibitors, then please give us a call on 01733 394941 or send an e-mail to sales@rapind.com. Finally, good luck and enjoy the exhibition!


2016 Blogs

Why Wedding Fairs Are the Place to Be for Independent Vendors

For any vendor starting out in the wedding business, it can be daunting trying to fill out their schedule for the season ahead. Established vendors have the luxury of word of mouth recommendations and a wealth of contacts to keep clients heading their way, however for those taking their first steps into the industry it can be a struggle to get a foot on the ladder. While websites and blogs are a great way to get started, wedding fairs remain the primary way of interacting with potential clients. Couples will always want to get a taster of how they want their wedding to be, which has made the wedding fair a perennially successful hub which many husband and wives to-be choose to attend.

The major advantage for these is that it places you on a level playing field. So whether your competition has a reputation in the area or a list of clients attending just to see what they have to offer, it is still a fantastic opportunity to stake your claim and demonstrate the products and services you provide. Assuming that you provide a quality product and your stand is well designed, there is no reason why you cannot begin building a list of contacts there and then. Do your services justice and bring in examples of your work at other weddings as well as samples if your product is edible; couples love to get a feel for the type of service they will be getting.

While there are some outstanding vendors out there, there is also a myriad of sub-standard ones that are more focused on the pay cheque at the end, rather than sharing the passion for a couple’s wedding. This kind of attitude stands out when people are attending wedding fairs. They may be looking for a great product which integrates with the theme of their wedding, but they are also looking for someone who is professional and will do their part to help the wedding run as smoothly as possible.

With the amount of money that some wedding services cost, attendees absolutely hate having stuff shoved in front of them. Promotional material should be for interested parties only, and if someone does take a shine to what you have to offer, then have a conversation with them. It is important to understand what their vision is and what they are hoping to achieve. By doing this, you can let your passion shine through, and if their theme is something which you are familiar with, then describing what you will be able to do to enhance their wedding day will come hand-in-hand.

Every couple is looking for that dream wedding, something unique which will last long in the memory of everyone that attends. Each vendor has their own speciality and being able to effectively demonstrate this provides the foundation for a successful exhibition. That said, it is important to combine your creativity with a professional attitude. While having a great service is what potential clients will be looking for initially, this must be combined with a professional attitude which reassures them that when the day comes, everything will run smoothly.

There are wide range of tips and tricks around to making your exhibition stand a success, but there is no way of discovering the benefits of wedding fairs without taking the plunge and attending one. As you become more established, the necessity of wedding fairs begins to fall as word of mouth recommendations help to fill out your calendar for the wedding season. This has been the route for many successful wedding vendors, having started out demonstrating their passion and craft on the exhibition floor.


2016 Blogs

Why Attending Wedding Exhibitions is Still a Great Way to Enhance your Wedding

Wedding fairs can begin to feel a bit outdated in the age of the internet where you can find a whole host of vendors online. They’ve gotten quite a bad reputation in recent years for essentially being a bunch of salespeople ramming samples down your throat. For couples who are just starting to plan out their big day, heading to an exhibition hall and being caught up in a whirlwind of leaflets and sales gusto is hardly going to calm those nerves. This is not to say that they are not worth attending however, but it can be important to approach them with a level head and a goal for what you would like to get out of the wedding fair.

Before blindly stepping in to the first exhibition nearby, do your research and find a wedding fair which fits with your aspirations for your wedding. There is a ridiculous amount of fairs out there from boutique wedding fairs, quirky wedding fairs, luxury wedding fairs, budget wedding fairs and many more. They are located all across the country, so before signing up for 10 to attend in the next few months, try and pick out a few which you feel that you will be able to find value in. It’s also worth noting the size of the exhibition you are looking at. The quantity of vendors is never indicative of quality, in fact, large exhibitions often feature national companies who are more focused on signing up as many clients as possible.

This is why local wedding fairs can be treasure troves for delightful vendors who share in your passion for the wedding. Attending an exhibition is more about looking for inspiration, what flavour cake to have, the type of flower to display on the tables or whether your DJ has the ‘cha cha slide’ in his playlist, seriously, stop it. If a vendor literally jumps on you, cramming leaflets in your hand while reeling off the same spew you overheard just a minute ago, it’s quite probable that their goal is the money in your pocket, not making your wedding day as special as possible. Remember, there is no pressure for you sign on the dotted line on the day, take it as an opportunity to absorb the kind of services that vendors can provide and if there are a few who really catch your eye then feel free to take away their contact details.

There are perhaps two things that you should be looking for when you are walking around the show floor. The first rather obviously is that the service they provide matches your vision for how your wedding day should look. The second is a bit harder to spot, but try to gauge whether the vendor is on the same wavelength with the overall theme of your wedding. When you are speaking to them, try and explain what you have planned as well as how you want to achieve this. In many cases, an honest vendor will be able to give you their opinion whether the service they provide will be able to live up to the standards which you expect.

The one tangible benefit of attending a wedding exhibition is that you are able to see, hear, smell and taste the services which are on offer. While planning your wedding online can be more convenient, it only takes one dodgy vendor to tarnish your day. Considering how much you can be expected to pay as well, there is added benefits in getting to meet the people that will be servicing your wedding and experiencing the kind of job that they perform. Just remember to enter the wedding fair like a sponge, absorb all of the information possible and take it away with you. So when it comes to finalising the details, your mind can rest easy in the knowledge that you know the cake will be fantastic, the flowers complement your theme and that you wedding day will be truly special.


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