Activity based working in the modern era.
When trying to bloom within to create a highly competitive business with a burning desire to be the best, how do you do this? In the modern era of office structures could Activity Based Working (ABW) simply be the best solution to take you to the top; to help you attract and retain the best talent in your industry; to improve performance, motivation and collaborative work.
What is ABW?
If you are finding yourself wondering about modernising your office environment, you might want to consider ABW. Before doing so you need have a level of awareness on what this entails, the benefits, the problems and solutions.
So, let us explain what ABW means for you. Merely, this is the proposition of opting to transform your office into multiple workstations. Ranging from open seating tables, bookable pods and meeting rooms, breakout areas, casual lounge spaces, booths and huddle spaces. This allows employees to select where to work dependent upon their work each given day.
What are the benefits of ABW?
When thinking about change it is always important to balance out the benefits against the problems that a motion to modernise may bring. Exploring these will be a key tool in establishing if this is a path you wish to pursue.
The first benefit would be how this can help enhance productivity and enjoyment. Each individual is able to schedule their work in a way that best suits what they need to do and who they need to do this with. ABW means they all have optimal options for their day whether it be to work independently or as a team to collaborate content or share group knowledge. Thus, creating a captivating, focused team. Therefore, with a workforce who are focused and enjoying their job comes increased productivity. Additionally, supporting collaborative work means people can collectively put their ideas together on a face-to-face basis.
Secondly, this enhances employees’ autonomy providing them with a level of empowerment over their work. Why you ask? This is due to individuals having the choice of work spaces rather than the same desk daily. In return this will accentuate work ethics and inspire people to work to their best abilities.
Balancing independent and collaborate work becomes effortless and eradicates the challenges of locating a space to work as a team. Juxtaposition to this, individual pods allow for time to work alone in private with ease.
Another advantage would be an increase in employee engagement and culture of connections as a direct result from creating an ABW structure. Employees are no longer tied down to a desk and interact with everyone.
The next benefit would be how ABW can guarantee office space is used more efficiently. Maximising the space can help you to employee further talented individuals without the need to relocate.
Lastly ABW can support the business in the attraction and retention of the best talent. Millenniums tend to shine towards such modern concepts due to the empowerment it provides. It can also be argued how ABW considers the employees well being and creates a sense of trust. Thus, attracting the talent you need to carry your business forward.

What problems can arise with ABW? And what are the solutions to overcome them?
There will always be a need to consider the problems which may arise from using ABW. This will help decide whether ABW is still for your business.
The first problem to mention would be the excess noise which comes with this structure. This is easily resolved with the use of acoustic pods, screens and seating booths.
The second problem is it will be on a first come first serve when needing an area to work. However, the use of an electronic booking system with time slots ensure everyone is aware when an area such as a pod/booth is being used. Thus, minimising disruptions and safeguarding against any delays in employees’ meetings.
The third problem would link to the resistance to change. Some employees may not be happy with the idea of ABW and would rather they all have their own personal desk. Running meetings and training sessions to demonstrate the benefits would help them understand the change and why this would be valuable to the company and employees.
The last problem to mention would be the reduced space for storage of personal belongings. However, by providing lockers for people to use at their own choice would resolve such problem.
So, if the problems sound like something you can overcome then you can reap in the benefits ABW can bring. Create a detailed plan, speak to your current employees and take the opportunity.